International Festival of Public Health

2015 Programme


Please find the timetable below. For full details of the talks that will take place during the parallel sessions, please click on the links to the left.

You can also download the full programme here: Festival programme 2015

PLEASE NOTE: Due to Government commitments in Lord Jim O'Neill's new role as Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, he is no longer able to speak at the conference. We do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. If you were only coming to the Festival to see Lord O'Neill and no longer wish to attend, please contact

Time Presenter/Event Room
08:00 Registration, coffee & tea, poster viewing Reception / Chromo Zone
09:00 The Professor Aidan Halligan Memorial Lecture LT 1

Professor Paul Cosford

Director for Health Protection and Medical Director, Public Health England

LT 1

Sam Tunney

Director, Well North

LT 1

Karen Livingstone & Chrissy Alcock

Senior Nurse & Training Lead and Special Projects/Senior Emergency Nurse, UK-Med

LT 1

Penny Clough MBE

Domestic violence campaigner and co-founder of Justice for Jane

LT 1

Professor Norma Raynes

Executive Director, Intergen

LT 1

Professor Gillian Leng (including Global Health Society prizes)

Deputy Chief Executive, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

LT 1
11:25 Coffee/Tea Break Chromo Zone
11:40 Edwin Chadwick Lecture (Professor Mukesh Kapila) LT 1
11:40 Parallel Session 1 Breakout Rooms
11:40 Workshops Breakout Rooms


Chromo Zone
13:00 Posters (during lunch) Chromo Zone
13:30 Parallel Session 2 Breakout Rooms
13:30 Lightning Lectures Breakout Rooms
13:30 Workshops Breakout Rooms
14:30 Coffee/Tea Break Chromo Zone

Debbie Abrahams MP (including "Friends of the Festival")

Labour MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham

LT 1

Amit Prasad

Health Economist, World Health Organization Centre for Health Development, Kobe, Japan

LT 1

Professor Paul Johnstone

North of England Regional Director, Public Health England

LT 1

Natalie Bennett

Leader of the Green Party & Women's Health Consultant for WHO

LT 1

Dr Arpana Verma

Director, Centre for Epidemiology, University of Manchester

LT 1

Professor Martin Tickle (including Festival Prizes)

Director, Institute of Population Health, University of Manchester

LT 1