Dr Martin Yuille
Martin Yuille is Reader and Joint Director of the Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research in the Institute of Population Health at the University of Manchester - Manchester Academic Health Science Centre. He is Honorary Principal Scientist at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.
He has worked on research infrastructure in general and biobanking in particular since 2000. He led the MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre’s work on the UK DNA Banking Network. He has been the Associate Coordinator of the European biobanking network project – Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Infrastructure. He has developed infrastructure for biobanking in a number of UK and EU translational research projects. He has contributed expertise to emerging biobanking infrastructures in other EU Member States and internationally in the US, the Middle East and Far East.
Current infrastructure projects include two funded by the UK’s Technology Strategy Board (TSB) which supports public-private research preparatory to innovation. The two TSB projects are: STRATUM which has been preparing a national biobanking roadmap; and ACROPOLIS which is constructing a cross-institutional research collaboration platform. He is PI at the University of Manchester in FP7 REQUITE, IMI U-biopred and IMI EMTRAIN.
He received his education in biochemistry as an Open Scholar at University College, Oxford and his doctorate in the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Edinburgh as an MRC Scholar. His post-doctoral experience was at universities including Stanford and Cambridge. He has a research interest in haematological oncology and genetics.